Saturday, 19 May 2012

My Fitness Goal: Week One

I am ashamed to say that this week was not as successful as I had intended. I am weak and didn't really try that hard! At the weekend, I ate a considerable amount of 'bad foods' and told myself that my healthy eating would start on Monday as it is at work that I struggle most with healthy eating. There was NO exercise. 

From Monday to Friday this week I was actually really good in terms of not eating junk and not snacking. I didn't eat any bad foods at my chocolates, no crisps, no cakes! My only downfall was that I didn't eat enough this week. I didn't eat fruit throughout the day like I normally do, in fact, because I didn't have anything healthy to eat in the cupboards, I didn't eat at all during the day (very bad I know) and only ate in the evenings. My evening meals weren't overly healthy either, they were well balanced between the food groups but not what anybody would consider a total healthy meal. 

The main reason for bad eating habits this week was laziness. I'm not making excuses for my terrible behaviour but I did find it harder this week because my cupboards and fridge were lacking in healthy options (a big food shop is due tonight) and I also had a lack of support at home. Gareth is always the first to moan that he has put on weight and that his clothes don't fit etc.. but this week he was incredibly un-supportive. He brought biscuits and pizza and didn't seem to take me seriously. It is incredibly hard to maintain healthy eating habits when the person closest to you isn't taking it seriously.

Despite all of this, I weighed myself again this morning and here are the results....

I did lose 2lb this week and my BMI has reduced but, as the WII fit kindly reminded me, this level of weight loss is not enough to meet my goal.

SO....... this week Gareth has jumped aboard my weight loss ship and we have made a pact to start a new healthy lifestyle (again)! I plan to eat healthy and throughout the day and I plan to attempt some form of exercise. I will be thoroughly ashamed if I have to give another negative update this time next week.

Wish me extra luck....I need it!

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