Sunday, 20 May 2012

The Time of my Life

This afternoon I was queuing in  WHSmith and I spotted a Cecila Ahern book called The Time of my Life. Most people will have heard of Cecelia Ahern because of the 2008 hit film PS. I Love You starring Gerard Butler and Hilary Swank. She has also written a whole range of really amazing and inspiring books. I love her books.....they are always easy reads yet funny, beautifully written and thought provoking. I didn't buy the book because I have a fair few things I need to read first but I read the blurb and the last line really struck a chord with me.....

'Sometimes we all need to make time for our life…'

This is the truest thing that I have heard in a long while. Everybody could learn a thing or two by spending some time focusing on their lives. It is especially true for me.

We all rush around on a daily basis...working, cleaning, cooking, looking after the children, making time for friends.....some people are so busy that they never have time for themselves. As a nation we spend a vast amount of time pleasing other people, helping other people and making sure that other people are happy with their lives and decisions. We also spend a lot of time busying ourselves with unnecessary tasks such as fulfilling our weekly addiction to soap operas or trashy reality shows. We spend hours mindlessly  browsing the internet or texting and emailing our friends.

BUT most importantly we spend a considerable amount of time complaining that we don't have all of the things that we want in life. We rarely stop to consider that we could probably achieve these goals if we spent more time focusing on them rather than wasting our time completing daily, mundane tasks that are mainly done out of habit. We all have goals and dreams but most of the time it is easier to put them to one side rather than to commit to the hard work that is needed to achieve them. We regularly shrug off the important things in life and give priority to the insignificant and materialistic things that dominate society daily. 

The couple of hours we spend in the evening watching tv could be spent at a class gaining qualifications that will eventually lead to a bigger dream, they could be spent attending exercise classes that will help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle or they could just be dedicated to reading up on your dreams, gaining more knowledge or practising the skills you will need for your chosen life. Those couple of hours each evening could simply be spent doing anything that will help you to give your life more focus and send you in the direction that will make your life perfect, a life that's full of successes and achievements rather than regrets and daydreams. 

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