Sunday, 27 May 2012

My Fitness Goal: Week Two

This week I am completely disappointed but not because I let myself down. After last week, I was completely determined to eat well and lose weight. I stocked the fridge up with salad, vegetables and fruit and filled the freezer with fresh meat and fish.

 Once my fridge was stocked and looking yummy I was genuinely excited about the prospect of eating well. Every evening I ate chicken and salad or fish and vegetables. I didn't snack (apart from fruit), I ate fruit and fibre most mornings and I had salad or Ryvita for lunch at work everyday. I ate fruit salads made of fresh raspberries, blueberries, grapes, strawberries and bananas and I've been feeling better for it. 

So yesterday morning, I climbed on my Wii Fit and here are the results....

YEP....I lost a grand total of NOTHING! zero, zilch. 0lb! Admittedly by BMI has reduced by 0.something to take me from overweight to just about ideal but I did'n't lose any weight. I don't know how this is possible. I didn't do any exercise (other than the 40-60 minutes that I walk each day to and from work) but still a radical change of my eating habits should have resulted in some weight loss. Obviously, I was upset. 

The glorious British summer has hit us in its full glory and yesterday I went to wear something suitably summery and yep, you guessed it......nothing fits me. I couldn't even get my 'big' shorts past my knees. 

SO.... am thoroughly depressed and miserable and unhappy with my body. Whereas, before I was just wanting a new healthy lifestyle and to trim up. Drastic measures will need to be taken this week. I have to lose some weight.......

I need more than luck!!!!

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