Monday, 7 May 2012

Download Festival 2012

This year I will be attending Download Festival. Download is a three day rock music festival held annually at Donington Park, Castle Donington.

I have never been to a festival before simply because they represent my idea of hell. It's not the camping that's the problem. Bizarrely, I don't have an issue with sleeping in a tent and living in my own dirt for a few days. I actually quite enjoy it. Going back to basics is quite long as you can brush your teeth!!!
My problem with music festivals is the people. I have crowdophobia (I'm sure there is a real technical term for this but crowdophobia will suffice for now). I dislike most people at the best of times and I even hate shopping at busy times when there are people everywhere, getting in the way and being generally stupid. SO, the thought of being surrounded by thousands of people, who also haven't washed for days, makes me want to curl up in a ball and hide.These smelly people will also be drunk and brash and overbearing and loud and generally 'having a good time'. Leaving poor me feeling a bit lost and a little bit disgusted. To top it all off.... I barely know any of the bands that will be performing at Download Festival. I've always had a slightly 'rockier' taste in music than any of my friends but I'm no metal fan, in fact, it hurts my ears a little bit....!

SO..... you're probably wondering why the hell I am attending Download Festival this year!?!?!?! The answer......for love of course!

 Gareth has attended Download for the last four years and generally considers it to be a nice holiday. In an attempt to take more of an interest in his hobbies (and on the promise of a sunshine holiday next year) I have agreed to go to download for a holiday this year. Our tickets arrived this weekend; forcing me to fully understand what I have let myself in for.

One of our tickets
Obviously when we booked the tickets I knew that I was going to Download Festival but it didn't seem real until the tickets arrived. Now, I'm a large bit scared!! I'm not going to fit in, I'm not going to know the songs and I'm hoping that it's not going to rain!

However, I am also looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to spending a few days away from the house with Gareth - where we can spend some real quality time together and experience something new. I'm looking forward to a new experience - I've never been backwards in coming forwards and love trying new things and travelling to new places. Maybe it will be an experience that I will learn something from?

As I know absolutely nothing about most of the bands at Download I will be following Inside Engima's mind: A blog which has just started a 30 day countdown to Download, featuring a different band each day with tips on who to be looking out for and what to be listening to...................................................... wish me luck!


  1. Good on you for giving it a go hun. I always find it so strange when I come across people who've never been to a music festival before. It's so rare. I completely understand your reasoning though. Plus this particular festival is likely to be pretty rough and smelly! That being said I would definitely be checking out The Prodigy, Tenacious D and Skindred. I've honestly never seen them live but their albums are somewhat awesome. It seems like there are also a fair few old bands too that'd be worth a look and listen. I suppose you're kind of at the mercy of your boyfriend though aren't you? Well good luck with it m'dear. And remember, when in doubt - crowd surf your way out!

  2. I promise you, you will love it, you need have no worry's or fears what so ever! x


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Thanks, Laura xx