Saturday, 12 May 2012

My Fitness Goals

I'm no fitness freak...I've never been to the gym and I've never needed to. I genuinely love healthy foods but I'm not so good at being a healthy eater. I LOVE food. All kinds of food. I am a cake monster and, when sitting at my desk, I eat out of boredom. I have never really weighed myself because I think it is unhealthy to worry about your weight and watch how it fluctuates, it can become obsessive and for that reason alone, I have always relied on how well my clothes fit as an indicator of my weight.

I'm not a massive girl, most people would say I was skinny (probably out of politeness) but I would say I am more average sized. I  used to wear a size 8 but gradually changed to a size 10 on the bottom and an 8 or 10 on top depending on what I was wearing or where it was coming from. This has fluctuated my entire life but I had no problem with being a size 10. There were times when a size 8 was far too big but shortly after my size 10's were a snug fit again. I've always been happy this way but in the last year I've started buying size 12's, they  were initially a bit loose but  now I'm lucky to find a size 12 that fits well.......I've been blaming it on lack of universal sizes in shops but I know that I've been putting on weight. SO.....this morning I weighed my self on the Wii fit and here are the results...'re seeing correctly. My family friendly Wii fit has told me that I am overweight and weigh almost 11 stone (69kg). Although I've never ritually weighed myself I know that my weight has always been between 8 and 9 stone. Sometimes at the lower end, sometimes at the higher end. Either way, I've always been comfortable in my clothes and my outward appearance hasn't really changed. 

As I said, I'm not massive. I could loose weight on my butt, legs, arms etc but it wouldn't be too noticeable  to anybody. I've put the weight on my stomach and strangely enough my ribs. My whole mid section has grown (but not boobs) so, when naked, I look bizarre. My stomach isn't a massive jelly belly either but when I stand to the side, it does protrude but only from the centre (if that makes sense) sometimes its flat, sometimes its bloated, depends on what i've eaten I guess. But still, its never been this way before and fat ribs are a definite sign that a healthy eating and fitness plan needs to be put into action. 

I want to lose weight for the long term.But for the short term I want to be able to wear nice clothes this summer and feel good in shorts etc (especially when I'm so out of place at Download festival this year). I would never normally make my food and exercise habits public knowledge and I definitely wouldn't share the above images with anybody. However, I can't seem to take control of this by myself, I need some extra motivation. 


I have decided to track my weekly progress with Wii fit plus here. Each week I will share the exercises undertaken, calories burnt, time spent etc etc. hopefully along with my weekly weight loss. Besides using the wii fit, I will be eating healthy, using Wii Zumba and possibly the Michael Jackson Dance Experience for Wii. There are also talks of an exercise class or gym membership...we will see how that goes!

My Goals

Current Weight: Around 11 stone (approximately 10 stone 12 lb)
Wii Fit recommends ideal weight at 9 stone 6 1b
Weight loss goal: approximately 1 stone 4 lb to 1 stone 7 lb
Time: 2 months
This gives me a weight loss goal of 5lb every two weeks. 2.5 lb a week

I would ideally like to be back to 9 stone but think even at 9 st 6 lb I will feel considerably better about myself. ......................wish me luck!!!!

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